Monday, March 10, 2014

Dear Photo Gods. Forgive me, for I have sinned...

Yes, it's true. I have committed the cardinal sin of not updating this in forever. I've been busy though! Recently, up in Boston I shot some photos for Row 34, Island Creek Oyster's new spot. Some of the photos are on their website (along with some shots that are not mine) and a bunch have are being used for marketing and are showing up all over the internet on food and restaurant websites. Last week was one of my favorite shots on It was a really great shoot and so much fun to spend time and catch up with my ICO buds.

Food Republic had a fun week of postings with guest editor Andrew Carmellini a few weeks ago. I was lucky enough to get to shoot, and then eat, Locanda Verde pastry chef Nancy Tran's ridiculously good Black Truffle Tartufo. Words can do it no justice. Hopefully my pictures do.
 After Laura and I had at it...

I made myself run an extra mile that day :-/

Later that week I also got to shoot and indulge in some fantastic cheese plates at Lafayette and back at Locanda again.

Also on Food Republic recently, a post that I really enjoyed was a series of photos by Mark Menjivar. An exploration of the contents of people's fridges. Take a look on his site.